Saturday 9 July 2011

Redstone circuits that turn off in the reverse order they turn on

Here I will tell you how to create multiple redstone circuits, that when turned on activate in a particular order, and when turned off, each circuit will turn off in the reverse order it was turned on. If you are wondering what I mean here is a picture!
Sorry about the black text being hard to read!

In the picture above, the when the lever is pulled, the torches will turn off in the order indicated by the black number. When it is pulled again the torches will turn on in the order indicated by the white numbers!

Here is what the circuit looks like from above.

The way this works is because of the way redstone torches on a block can be used as a NOT gate. As soon as any power is sent to the block, the torch switches off.

So when the lever is pulled, power is sent to the first dirt block, turning off the first torch. Then the circuit is delayed by the repeater before turning off the second torch and so on, until all torches have been switched off. The current then begins giving power to the dirt blocks from the other side, but because the torches are already off, this doesn't do anything yet.

When the lever is switched back off however, the power leaves the wire, but the repeater's delay the wire from turning off. So while the wire is turning off on the right hand side, the torches stay off, because there is still power to them from the left. Then the wire turns off on the left side switching the torches back on, but the repeaters cause a delay in between, making them switch on in the reverse order that they switched off.

By following the pattern of the circuit you can include as many torches as you want, but the only downside is that because of the repeaters, there will always be a delay when switching the lever to off.

To extend the torches into a circuit, you can place 1 block above each one, with redstone wire on top, and when the torch is turned on, it will activate the wire above.

I hope this post has helped, let me know in the comments about anything you make using this!

Minecraft Pig:
Why would you want to do this?


  1. Thank you so much! I've been looking everywhere for this!

  2. Thanks very much, been using it for a staircase that descends out of nowhere :)

  3. Solves my problem of a piston series that opens a hidden underground railway passage. Definitely need the reverse order when everything goes back in place!
